SQL Examples and Explanations

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used to interact with database management systems. SQL is used to create, read, update and delete data in databases. Here are SQL examples and short explanations

Example 1: Creating a New Table

CREATE TABLE öğrenciler (
    isim VARCHAR(50),
    sınıf VARCHAR(50)

Example 2: Adding Data

INSERT INTO öğrenciler (id, isim, sınıf)
VALUES (1, 'Ali', '5. Sınıf');

Example 3: Data Update

UPDATE öğrenciler
SET sınıf = '6. Sınıf'
WHERE id = 1;

Example 4: Data Deletion

DELETE FROM öğrenciler
WHERE id = 1;


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is SQL?
    SQL is a basic programming language used in database management.
  2. Which SQL Query Examples can be used?
    SQL Query Examples can be used to query, edit and delete data in a database.
  3. Why are SQL Query Samples important?
    SQL Query Samples make it easier for database administrators, developers and analysts to access the database.
  4. How do SQL queries work?
    SQL queries are used to select data from a database, insert data, update data and delete data.
  5. In which databases can SQL queries be used?
    SQL queries can be used in relational databases.